Hi all. Despite lack of news lately, project is not dead, and moving forward (and slightly backward).
Today we released version 0.3.0, here's what's new
- New OpenGL+shaders render. This allowed us to move majority of graphics logic to shaders and, in future, will allow to add post-processing and other effects. However, there's currently two render paths: OGL 2.1 and OGL 3.1+. OGL 2.1 probably won't support advanced features, such as post-processing. This shouldn't affect original experience, though/ We really need testing on different hardware, i'll get back to it below.
- Working roofs.
- Battle outlines for critters. You can test by enabling target_highlight in config.
- Working lighting. It's not 100% pixel/color perfect, but works same way (and has same bugs) as original.
- Lots of optimizations.
- Message log with vanilla appearance.
- Proper scrollable text display in NPC dialog window
- Fixed walking/running animations for all critters.
- Extended SSL scripting support. As a result - less crashes on map loads and in dialogs.
- Implemented roaming of critters via scripts.
- Music in locations.
- Sounds of doors opening/closing.
- Partially working inventory. Now you can switch armor and weapon in hands and PC animation should reflect it.
- Support for most hotkeys, except those related to missing game features.
During development, we integrated and then removed Lua scripting. We will add it back only when engine is mature enough (e.g. you can complete a map, with battles/etc.)
Now, about testing:
- You need to enable target_highlight in config and load sfchina2 map.
- You need to check, that there's outlines around critters.
- You need to check, that there's transparency egg around player.
- You need to check, that computer consoles are animated and with right colors.
Tell us about your problems here or in comments (with logs).
I'm personally interested in intel GPUs on mesa drivers. If it reports 3.3 in glxinfo, render should report 3.3 in console too, not 3.0.

Comments: 10